In January of 2010 I had over 6,000 visitors to my Residuals and Royalties blog and in only one month I was able to double the number of total visitors to almost 12,000. Many bloggers spend time creating quality content in hopes that they will attract visitors to their blog. The sad truth is that more often than not, quality content alone will not attract readers to a blog that is not established. The key to making money online with your blog is having a lot of unique visitors. Below is a list of things that you can do to attract more readers to your blog…
Yahoo Answers: Go to Yahoo answers and search for unanswered questions that are related to your blog’s topic. Give a relevant, quality answer and be sure and include a link to your blog as well. You can even copy and past your answer onto a multitude of similar questions.
Ping-O-Matic: Every time that you write a new blog post, use Ping-O-Matic to submit your fresh content to a large list of search engines. This system makes it so easy to let all of the search engines know that you have new content on your blog.
Guest Posts: Contact the owners of popular blogs in your niche and ask if they would mind if you created a guest post specifically for their blog. If they accept, create a well written post that will attract others to want to learn more about your blog. Guest posting is my number one source of increasing traffic to my blog.
Reply to Every Comment: If someone takes the time to leave a comment or response on your blog and you don’t take the time to respond back, chances are that that person will not be coming back to your blog. Remember that your readers are the lifeblood of your blog and without them you’d be going nowhere fast!
Interview a Big Name: Ask a big name blogger in your niche if you could interview them for your blog. If they accept, they are likely to put a link to their interview on their own blog and in turn you can gain some quality traffic. Be sure and ask interesting questions that will intrigue your reader and keep them coming back for more.
There are many more things that you can do to attract visitors to your blog. Remember that whatever your niche is, you should always act as though you are an expert in your particular arena. Follow this advice and you too can double your blog traffic on one month. Here you can see a screen shot of the increase in my blog’s traffic from January to February…
Author Bio:
My blog, Residuals and Royalties is dedicated to helping people find legitimate ways to make money online and create residual income. My goal is to find quality resources each week for those people who want to create some passive income. The posts that I create keep my visitors coming back for more. You can visit my blog by clicking here:
My blog, Residuals and Royalties is dedicated to helping people find legitimate ways to make money online and create residual income. My goal is to find quality resources each week for those people who want to create some passive income. The posts that I create keep my visitors coming back for more. You can visit my blog by clicking here:
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