There are many people out on the web today who are looking to make money online but want to do it in their spare time. Maybe they have a different job and are just looking for a little extra income to pay taxes or something. There are many online jobs that can take a lot of time and effort to set up and eventually make money with. Like anything being really successful takes a lot of time. However there are a ways to generate a decent amount of money without taking too much of a persons time. There are many different ways to make money online and in this post I will talk about a couple of ways that don’t require as much work and effort as lets say blogging. These ideas can be used by people who are short on time or by people who just want to make a little money fairly quickly.
Paid Surveys
Paid surveys are a very good option for people looking to make money in their spare time for a couple of reasons. First it takes very little time to sign up with a couple of sites. People make money with these sites by taking surveys and getting paid a small amount per survey. The average is usually somewhere between $.50 and $10.00 depending on the survey site and the length of the survey. The reason survey sites are great for people in their spare time is because they can send the surveys directly to your email which allows you to take them at anytime. Surveys don’t take particularly that much time so its great for people in a tight schedule. Another nice thing about legit surveys sites are that they are free to sign up with. I would recommend signing up with a couple to see how it goes at first.
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk pays you to complete small tasks that can’t be done by computers. They are usually pretty easy and pay a small amount. This is a great opportunity because it is owned and run by Amazon. These jobs can be done at anytime which makes it convenient to anyone.
Ebay can also be a great way to make money in your spare time because you don’t really have to put any effort into it too make money. We all have items that we don’t want anymore but could be used by someone else. Why not sell it on Ebay? All you have to do is take the time to set up the item page and you can make some money in your spare time.